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Council Process

Council meetings are held at 7 p.m., on the first and third Wednesday of each month in Council Chambers of the Town Office. 

All Council Meetings are open to the public. Members of the public wishing to attend a Council Meeting can contact the Office Clerk for a copy of the Agenda. 

For the benefit of members of the public who are unable to attend a Council Meeting, minutes of the Council Meetings are available on the website shortly after the minutes are approved by Council. 

Delegations & Petitions  

A person or organization wishing to be heard by Council may address Council as a delegation during the public presentation portion of the meeting. Any person wishing to present a petition to a Council Meeting shall inform the Office Clerk in advance of the: 

- subject of the petition; and
- name and residential address of each person who has signed the petition, no later than noon on the Thursday immediately preceding the meeting.

Any delegation wishing to appear at a Council Meeting shall inform the Office Clerk of the: 

- subject of the delegation; and
- name of the speakers(s), no later than noon on the Thursday immediately preceding the meeting. Please note, a maximum of three people may be designated the spokespeople.

Unless Council otherwise resolves, the maximum time for a presentation of a petition or appearance of a delegation before Council is ten  (10) minutes. Additional time is at the discretion of Council. 


If you wish to write a letter to the Town Council, you may do so by email or paper form. Letters must include the signed and printed name of the sender. Unsigned letters or remarks will not be placed on the Agenda. The Correspondence will be placed on the next available Council Agenda. 

Please note that your email or letter in its entirety may be included in the Council Agenda, and that the Council Agenda is a public documents. Copies are also distributed to the media and any members of the public who request a copy. 

Unless marked 'Confidential' all correspondence will be available to the media and members of the public. 

Prior to releasing information to the public, all "Personal Information" as defined in Section 23(1) of the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will be removed from all documentation unless permission is granted by the individual to release said personal information.